Thursday, February 6, 2014


Lately, I've been listening to a Christian radio station while driving to work. With my work schedule, I'm rarely at church and I really miss the teaching. When I hear old stuff from J. Vernon McGee, or Chuck Smith's archived stuff, I listen intently. I have learned, though, to take some of what I hear with a grain of salt. It will occasionally get a little judgmental or self-righteous, which is when I radio channel surf.

The other day I heard a commercial that I had a hard time understanding. It was for a book, and, well, to be honest, I didn't hear the whole commercial, but I did hear that it was a book on prayer AND if you read this book, and learn how to pray the right way, ALL your prayers will be heard and answered! What?

I just…what?

I don't think prayer works that way. Now, I do know that in the bible, in the book of Matthew, Jesus gives us advice on how to pray, and gives us The Lord's Prayer.  And that does give us a type of traditional form to follow when praying. "Our Father, who art in heaven…" What beautiful words.

But I don't think we need to adhere to traditional form for God to hear us. I think all we need to do is just talk to Him.

I can't count how many times in one day that I just lift up a simple prayer. I just talk. Ask God to comfort this person, or take care of that person's needs. And I don't think there's anything wrong with asking God for good traffic when I'm late for work. And when things are really tough, or traumatic, I don't want to think about a traditional form of praying just to make sure that my prayer gets answered. I talk, I plead, and I cry. And God hears that too. I know He does. How do I know? I just do.

Jesus is the perfect example of talking to our Heavenly Father, and pleading to Him. When Jesus was in the garden, before His arrest, was He concerned about form while He cried out to God? Sure, Jesus knew what had to happen, but he still talked to God anyway. Did Jesus remember to pray a certain kind of prayer while He hung on the cross? As He pleaded for the people who crucified and condemned Him? He cried out to God, "Why have You forsaken Me?" He was in agony! Of course He cried out! How many times have we cried out when we felt abandoned, in pain, in agony? And yet, Jesus came back. He Lives.

I don't know how to pray like that book says we should pray. At least I don't think so, I haven't read it. And when it comes to praying in public? I'm definitely not that great at that. But I do know how to talk to God, and I talk to Him. A lot. And I thank Him. A lot. Because I see when my prayers are answered, whether it be with a 'Yes,' or a 'No,' or a 'Not right now.'

Just talk to God. I think He would love to hear from you. He listens too.