Saturday, October 11, 2014

My first 5k run

It's early in the afternoon and I'm recovering from running (ok, walk/running) my first 5k. I've showered, had a bite to eat, and I'm on my 4th cup of coffee. I'm having a difficult time concentrating on writing my 8 page paper that's due by midnight tonight. I'm a jumble of emotions, reflecting on my first experience of joining over 1800 participants in the  Chapman University 5k walk/run for scholarship funds.

I need to write this down. So, with only 1 page done, 7 pages to go on my paper, I'm putting it aside to share with you my first 5k running experience.

I was so nervous, I had to pee. Before, during and after the race. Why was I nervous? I have no idea! Maybe because it was a public venue and I'm out there with tons of other people-kind of intimidating when I'm used to just focusing on a treadmill in a gym. Now I'm here and there's real athletes out there, pros who do this all the time!

Then I met up with my friends. And they've all done this before, but they love me and hug me and encourage me. Then the race starts and there they go!!! I thought about pushing myself to keep up with them, but I heard my trainer's voice in my head, "pace yourself, do your best, but don't push it." So, I walked 8 minutes, ran 1 minute, walked 4 minutes, ran 1 minute, walked 4 minutes, ran 1 minute....holy crap this is hard! What am I doing? Just keep going....

At about the 1 1/2 mile mark I wanted to stop. My shins hurt and people just kept passing me by...but I kept going. At the 2 mile mark, after watching several volunteers clap and cheer me on, and pass me water, I had tears in my eyes. I'm doing this! And it doesn't matter when I finish, the point is I'm doing it, and I'm gonna finish. AND if you would have asked me just 1 year ago if I wanted to run a 5k I would have laughed in your face and said "NO WAY!" But I am. Right now.

About 1/4 mile from the finish line, 2 of my friends came back looking for me. One of them walked with me. She cheered, told me to match her pace, stretch my stride, and told me a story about a mountain run she did (mountain run? there's an idea! hmmmm...) About a minute from the finish line, I picked up my pace and ran for it, with the rest of my friends right next to the finish line, cheering, clapping, snapping photos...

And I ran through the finish line. I did it. I did it. I did it.

Oh my goodness gracious. I did it!!! And I got a medal!!! And I cried. And I wasn't nervous or intimidated anymore. My friends hugged me, congratulated me. We congratulated each other! (See why it's hard to concentrate on writing an 8 page paper?)

Oh I need to do this again...