Friday, November 15, 2019

Uncle Roy

When I first created this blog many years ago, it was supposed to be about my journey thru college as a "mature" student. Then it evolved into me writing about my life. When my dad passed away, the grief was extremely heavy, and writing about him helped me go through the process. It still does.

Which is why I decided to write today. Another Welty went home recently--my dad's youngest brother, Uncle Roy.  His death was very sudden and unexpected. If you've been thru this experience, then you know how it can throw everyone and put you thru an indescribable shock. Just like my dad and grandma, Uncle Roy had this "larger than life" personality. Just one of those you thought would be around forever. 

One thing about the Welty men is they've got tough exteriors. They can even be a little scary. 

Actually, scratch that--I think all us Welty's are like that--we're definitely tough on the outside.

But we also tend to wear our hearts on our sleeves. And my Uncle Roy, he definitely had a tender heart. I don't have any specific memories of things, but just moments of him being kind and tender towards me, my kids, even my ex-husband. 

Years ago, when we battled my ex-husbands addictions, Uncle Roy came to me in kind encouragement and relayed to me how blessed he was to have my dad stand with him and his experiences. He also shared with me how much he loved his wife and kids, how grateful he was for them. He gave me hope. Then he backed me when I decided to come home with my kids. He was very tender towards me. Dare I say, more tender than my dad was, but I've written about all of that already and it's all good. 

My dad and Uncle Roy got along just like every youngest and oldest siblings do. 

Hey, I love Joel, but he's a butthead. We'd bicker at each other all the time. He'd pick on me, I'd pick on him, but he's a butthead that I'm proud to say is my brother. He's taken on reigns in this family and shown so much love to all of us--he's a good man. 

At holiday gatherings, it was comical to watch Uncle Roy and dad pick on and bicker at each other, but we'd always end up praying together, eating good food, singing Christmas carols and laughing about the whole thing. They helped each other out on house projects, go on fishing trips with Uncle George, and love on Grandma and Grandpa. 

One of the only times I saw Uncle Roy cry was at my dad's memorial service. His big brother was gone. He felt as lost as we did. Yet he was so kind towards my boys. He even helped Nathaniel get a job. He was tough on Nathaniel at the same time, but Nathaniel learned some tough life lessons that he'll always appreciate Uncle Roy for. 

Now his own family is feeling this loss of a husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, that gave so much from his tender-heart. 

But then I get this picture of heaven. And he and dad are picking on each other.