Monday, January 11, 2010

Physical Anthropology & Unemployment

I need one more social science class so I registered for Physical Anthropology. I am taking this class for two reasons:
1) It begins at 8am. I thought I'd work on my self-discipline by having a reason to set the alarm, get up and start my day early. Having a morning class seemed like a good way to do this.
2) My oldest friend ever (in fact, I always say we've known each other since before we were born because our parents were friends when they were young marrieds/new parents) had to take Phys Anthro and complained about studying animals and having to waste time at the zoo, watching monkeys for an hour, and writing a paper on it. I still don't know why she didn't like the class-that sounds like fun to me! This was a class I definitely had to take! She wanted me to finish her class for her. She lives in another state.

My Phys Anthro adventure began this morning. Right in the middle of the syllabus is the exciting "outside assignment". I get to go to the zoo and look at monkeys for an hour and write a 4 page paper! (Hello! English major! Piece of cake!) I can't wait!

The Professor takes the last half of the class to allow the students to introduce themselves (ok, am I just really that old, or do all college classes do this now?) and I notice a trend in the students. At least every other student, if not more, is unemployed. When it's my turn to introduce myself it hits me. I've been unemployed for exactly 1 year and 2 days. This really wasn't part of my plan at all-to be unemployed this long. It was quite a disheartening moment. The last time I was unemployed was over 9 years ago when my boys and I moved back home-and it only took me 3 months to get a job.

I definitely don't want to be out of work for another year, and need to consider my options for employment-now, but when these disheartening moments occur I look back at a bible verse and note I posted on my facebook last summer. Here's an excerpt of the note:

" John 14:22-'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.' Whoa! He gives me peace! God wants to give me peace so my troubled heart is calmed and my fear subsides! Years ago I learned that some things (like the action of forgiveness) I have to remind myself to do, or think, sometimes every second of the day before it sinks in. This is today's "thing". This will be the "thing" for a long time. Keeping God's peace in my troubled, fearful heart while I'm on my first mission trip (in almost 30 years), while I begin college in a few weeks, while I look for a job, while I parent my almost 18 year old son, and while I strive to be the leader/ friend/ sister/auntie/daughter/ granddaughter and whatever else that God wants me to be, and to keep doing the things that God wants me to do."

The hard part is waiting for God's timing in where He wants me. Right now it's at the zoo studying monkeys.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter Break

Being jobless for almost a year can change perspectives on things. Sure, there are the obvious things: health care, spending, budgeting, etc...Now that I am back at school, I had the opportunity to enjoy an aspect of student life I have not had in many years. The Winter Break. Three glorious weeks of sleeping in, waffles for breakfast, and maybe something constructive, as in cleaning out my closet (not to mention cooking and baking). Mission accomplished-even cleaned the closet and found 20 pairs of worn-out black loafers-work shoes for the last few years.

Did I mention this is also the best time to get sick? Oh yeah! Talk about the cold and flu crashing the vacation party. We played the chills/sweat game for a few days, and the gamut of sore throat, cough, congestion...well, you get the picture. Yes, I should be glad that it happened now instead of during school, but why does it always overstay its welcome? I don't even have the energy to put the shoes back in my closet! Ok, I'm done whining. After all, I'm finally feeling a little better and glad of it. School begins again.

In TWO Days...