Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter Break

Being jobless for almost a year can change perspectives on things. Sure, there are the obvious things: health care, spending, budgeting, etc...Now that I am back at school, I had the opportunity to enjoy an aspect of student life I have not had in many years. The Winter Break. Three glorious weeks of sleeping in, waffles for breakfast, and maybe something constructive, as in cleaning out my closet (not to mention cooking and baking). Mission accomplished-even cleaned the closet and found 20 pairs of worn-out black loafers-work shoes for the last few years.

Did I mention this is also the best time to get sick? Oh yeah! Talk about the cold and flu crashing the vacation party. We played the chills/sweat game for a few days, and the gamut of sore throat, cough, congestion...well, you get the picture. Yes, I should be glad that it happened now instead of during school, but why does it always overstay its welcome? I don't even have the energy to put the shoes back in my closet! Ok, I'm done whining. After all, I'm finally feeling a little better and glad of it. School begins again.

In TWO Days...


  1. Glad you're feeling better. My theory on that is that we just push ourselves when we have to and then crash when we can finally take a break.

    Definitely relate to the fact that being jobless changes one's perspective. Specifically, being fired from a job has changed my perspective. I used to be so totally, overwhelmingly, all out give your best to the's not that I won't always give my best again, but I will hold back more for my family and not sacrifice as much. I'll still always accomplish the job but I do not think, if I had it to do over, I'd miss out on the things I missed out on to go above and beyond for the job/company/boss. None the less, God is so good! I'm so grateful for my life and the time I have. I realize that in just a couple more years and both of my younger 2 sons will be out of school. I'm grabbing what moments I can with them and treasuring them - making the most of them.

  2. I ALWAYS got sick during Christmas break when I was in college. Tracy's right: the body keeps going while the pressure is on, but as soon as it's off, it crashes! Glad you're starting to feel better. And you DID have a little time "unsick" earlier in break, didn't you?
