I have come to love the letter 'A'.
There are many uses for the 'A':
A is for apple.
A is always, always, always the beginning of the alphabet. (duh)
A is for the ants that keep invading my house this summer-I think we've finally conquered them.
"The Scarlet Letter" was an 'A'. (Good book!)
A is the Health Dept. grade we want to see on a restaurant. (What goes through the mind when you see a 'B'?)
Ah...the 'A' grade-that's why I love the letter 'A'.
10 weeks of summer school (something I will never do again, hopefully) 2 intense classes, plus all the family stuff. And I get an 'A'. I give myself an 'A' for getting through it (yes, I am patting myself on the back) and my college transcripts will show an 'A'. In case you're wondering, I've earned quite a few 'A's lately.
Especially when I was so extremely close to throwing in the towel, giving up, and crawling into bed and never getting out, but no, I sit on the couch, or at the table, with laptop in front of me and keep on the college work.
And I get an 'A'.
Right now, I thank God for the letter 'A'.
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