Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

There's a consensus out there that single people don't care too much for Valentine's Day. After all, Valentine's day is for lovers, sweethearts and mushy stuff that you must have someone special to share it with, right? I used to think so. Don't get me wrong- I was one of those people, especially when I was very young, who dreaded Valentine's day if I didn't have someone special in my life. Now I just see it and think about it differently. I've always been a romantic (did I just admit that on my blog? What am I thinking?) and adore love stories, happily every after, and all that kind of stuff. So why can't I embrace that and how wonderful it is, no matter where I'm at in my life? Last year I posted my favorite "love stuff" on Facebook and I am in the process of doing the same thing today. I just posted the clip from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End" where Barbosa marries Will and Elizabeth while in the midst of a pirate battle as the BEST WEDDING EVER!

We all know there are many kinds of love. There's been so much done about love that it's a little confusing. I think it's pretty simple. Either it's there, or it isn't. I have learned that no matter what love is, or how many kinds of love there is, love is wonderful. Love at first sight? Yes, I believe in it. Has it happened to me before? Yes. 

It happened to me the day I met my daughter, Jennifer. I wasn't her mom then, in fact, she was about to become my little preschool student. I looked into her eyes and just knew that somehow she was going to be part of my life and I fell in love with her. I began praying for her, and her daddy. Throughout most of her childhood, she would tell people that "my mommy loved me before she loved my daddy." God gave me the privilege of becoming her mommy and loving her for the rest of her life. It hasn't been pretty and we've seen some pretty dark times, but the love has never faltered. The reward in this is that Jennifer has the kindest heart and is the most loving person I know.

Because of that love, I've learned that love is to be embraced and cherished. Even as a single person I can still look at romantic love and smile. As a parent, I look at my children and thank God for the love that has brought us through ups and downs and keeps us a family. As a friend, I am willing to open my heart and love others for who they are. As a person, I love others because God first loved me and will always love me, no matter what. 

So today, I celebrate Valentine's Day as it should be celebrated. Embracing and enjoying love. I think chocolate may be involved too.

Right now, this is me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AJmKkU5POA&ob=av2e

Friday, February 10, 2012

The effects of good news

Downton Abbey. Have you seen it? It's wonderful! I don't watch regular television so I had to wait for the second season to come out on dvd to watch it. Until it did, I watched the first season over and over again. I always do that with movies and shows I really enjoy. In the last episode of the first season there is an poignant scene with the Earl and his valet. The Earl is dealing with a tragic loss, then receives a little good news regarding the valet. He ends the scene with "and today, I need some good news" or something to that effect.

I've been thinking about the effects of good news all week. This has been a really good week for me. In the midst of struggle, heart ache and stress, nothing lifts the spirit like receiving good news. 

First it was an email from my little niece about her mommy. My entire family was overjoyed to see that my sister's hair has finally begun to grow and that it "gets more fuzzy every day." 

Next it was a phone call from my daughter. You should have heard us yelling and shrieking as she told me she passed her GED and is finally a high school graduate! I am so proud of her and what she has accomplished.

That same day my Chaucer professor let me give a little Greek Mythology lesson (I still haven't told you how excited I am about this semester. Stay tuned!) AND I got a message from my friend Amy that she FINALLY renewed her Disney Annual Pass.

The next day I cheered as a friend told me about a first date she went on (Yes, I really do enjoy hearing these kind of stories.)

Yesterday, my son came home late and told me he had been on a date with a girl I really like (in his words: "well, it was a date, but not really a date") and he's going out with her again.

It feels so good to have something-a bunch of things-to smile about! I think it is these things that makes life's turmoils easier to bear. It may not outweigh the turmoil, but good news will always help in getting through the turmoil. Sure, I could get very spiritual and proclaim how I should receive comfort and strength and joy from God alone, but then why have all these life experiences in the first place? Reading a bible verse or praying does bring comfort, joy and makes the unbearable, bearable. So does good news, good things, good experiences AND I thank God for all of it. 

So, my unsolicited advice to you: go spend time with your friends and family. Let them share their good news with you. Revel in the good news. Share with them your good news. Or go make new friends. Eventually the good news will come. It always does. 

Now I need to go finish watching the second season of Downton Abbey.