Monday, January 7, 2013

I'm a poet?

I put this in my Facebook status on Christmas Day. You see, December 25 is my dad's birthday. He's been gone for over 18 months now, and sometimes it just gets me as bad as the day he passed away. So I wrote this to describe what I've been going through and what gets me through it. I didn't think much of it, but my dear friend, Tracy, commented on it, calling it a "beautiful poem." Really? I wrote a poem? And I didn't even know it? I don't even like poetry.

I've been thinking about this since reading Tracy's comment and wondering if I am a writer, of sorts? I really don't even like to write, but it taps into something in me that is a release (I've written about this before so I won't drag this). Anyway, here's the "poem" I wrote:

Because it's Christmas

Because today was his birthday.
Because sometimes, when I think of him, my heart feels like it's ripping apart.
Because my dad loved Jesus.
Because today is Jesus' birthday.
Because Jesus gives me peace and mends my heart.
Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Paula... I periodically pray for you, your mom, and family. Your dad was such a wonderful guy. He was an inspiration and is missed by many. I know you'll always miss him but I do believe it won't be quite so painful with the passage of times (or at least not as painful as often).
