Thursday, October 6, 2011


"What did you do!!!?" Says my 19 year old son, Ethan, after seeing my new hair cut. He was very upset. My only saving grace-he liked the color. Red, of course.

Yesterday, I made the impulsive decision to chop off most of my hair. My hair has never, in my entire life, been this short. Plus all 3 of my children  have told me that I MUST have long hair.

But there was a very important reason for my decision to cut my hair: Because my sister doesn't have any.

By the way, please don't tell my sister I wrote this, she'd kill me for being this transparent and to be honest, she really isn't the total reason I did it.

Allow me to begin at, well, the beginning of my story:  For many weeks I had been thinking about ways to show support for my sister as she fights breast cancer. I could lose weight-I have plenty. I could get more exercise, etc...and I confess, I was pretty much half-hearted about it all. Then I had a check up a couple of weeks ago. My blood-pressure is high. Not too high, but just out of the "normal" range. The doctor isn't too concerned, but I will need to check it in 6 weeks. She asked about my stress level and how much exercise I get. When I told her about life for the past few months, she understood. That was the beginning of a wake up call for me.

Then I did my first breast cancer walk last weekend. Jen, my sister, was there. She had a beautiful white and pink head dressing and was ready to walk the 5k. She had been in bed for 5 days after beginning a new chemo "cocktail." All I could think was...this is my baby sister-her stress level is 1000 times more than mine right now! If she can be here and do this, I need to do more. My body made it through the walk, but I huffed and puffed as my best friend, Olga, pushed me. And Jen just kept walking. After that, I whole-heartedly decided to keep up a walking regime-walk at least every other day. I need to be healthy for me, first and foremost, but I also need to be healthy for my sister.

The 5k was Sunday. I walked Monday. On Tuesday, I didn't walk, but I started thinking about my hair. What if I just cut my hair really short (Hey, I love my sister, but my hair is very fine. If I buzz it, it may not grow back!) and keep it short until Jen's hair begins to grow again? I talked to my friend, Amy, about it that night. She thought it was a great idea. Maybe I'll wait until Jen finishes chemo, then cut it. Amy reminded me that Jen doesn't have any hair now.

I wake up Wednesday morning and that's all I think about. I realize that if I don't do this now, I'll lose the nerve and not do it at all. I call Amy, thinking we'll go when she gets off work. Then I see my mom at Target and I tell her that I think I should go right at that moment (it was about 1pm) and she offers to go with me. On impulse, I just do it. I tell the stylist the story. She cries. After she cuts it, I cry. Hey-my hair is gone, what do you expect me to do!

So, it's time for life changes. Get more exercise. Be active. And get a hair cut every 6 weeks to keep it super short until Jen's hair starts growing back. I may need to get a job just to keep up with the hair cuts, but it will be worth it.

Yes, I love being impulsive.


  1. What a sweet big sister you are! And so lucky to have a sister, too. I'm proud of you, my friend! Here's another idea: pick a day a week to fast and pray for Jen. A friend & have been doing that in prayer for someone, and I have to tell you that it kills two birds with one stone. But every time you get that hunger pang, you send a prayer up. You can define "fast" however it works best for you. We fast all day until supper time. No point in making the hubbies suffer with us! :-D I will have something sweet & or nutritious in a liquid form if I start feeling too awful from it. Don't want it to kick the fibromyalgia into gear! Just a thought...

  2. I think the hair cut was a great idea! (I also think it is cute)
    You are right, one of the most supportive things you can also do for your sister is to be healthy so you can be there for her for years to come.
    You are an inspiration to me. I am proud of you.
