Sunday, January 8, 2012

Don't Worry, Disneyland will be there...

I have had this blog for some time now and I just realized that I rarely talk about Disneyland. I won't dwell on it too much because everyone knows.

I am in love with Disneyland.

Even in the craziness of the busiest times, I love to go. Due to the convenience of being a local, I can leave if the crowd gets to me, and come back on another day (usually the next day). Trust me, the crowd does get to me, but not as much as it used to. Not very long ago, I used to get really bent out of shape if someone pushed or rushed to get ahead of me in line to enter the park or get on a ride. One time, this lady literally cut me off in the entrance line. When I pointed her to the end of the line, she gave me such a scary look, I moved to the next line. The funny part is that I got into the park before she did.

It's Disneyland-that happens all the time-people rush, run, cut and push. I totally get it. It's Disneyland, the Happiest Place on earth! And it's all about ME! Making ME happy! Making ME have a good time. ME, ME, ME! So, of course there's rushing, running, cutting and pushing.

Then, one day I had a thought as I was walking through the entrance line: Why rush? Disneyland isn't going anywhere. It'll be there when I get there. There is no reason to hurry. Really. Think about it. NO REASON WHATSOEVER! Disneyland isn't going anywhere. Crowds, or no crowds, the rides will be there. The shows will be there. The castle will still be there. So...take your time.

I can't tell you what that has done for my experiences this holiday season. Other people pushing to get ahead to get on Haunted Mansion-eh, the doom buggies will be there when I get there-whatever. Just enjoy the scenery, the music, the looks on the faces of people who are there for the first time. Especially the little ones. What a joy!

We are always in such a rush to get to where we think we need to be and we forget about what's around us, and we forget about the other people around us. We rush, run, cut and push. We're rude, selfish, and only thinking about ME.

Take your time. Look around. Be polite. Let someone else by. Enjoy the view, sounds, and the people around you. Life will be there when you get there.

So will Disneyland.

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