Saturday, January 28, 2012

Uncle Ken

Today is my Uncle Ken's birthday. He would have been 55. A few weeks ago, four days after Christmas, he lost his battle with cancer. He was my mom's youngest brother.

When I was young, he was my cool "rock and roll" guitar-playing uncle with all the tattoos. I didn't see him, or speak to him very often, but I decided I wanted to write about him to honor him. Plus these thoughts have been gnawing at me for some time and what better day to write it down than his birthday.

Uncle Ken was the first phone call I received after my dad's passing. He was in tears, asking how my mom was, and he wanted me to know what my dad meant to him. Honestly, I don't even remember exactly what he said to me-most of it is a blur. But there is one thing that stood out to me about Uncle Ken and what he said about my dad.


You see, Uncle Ken's life wasn't a pretty one (now that I think about it, who's is?). He became a Christian 14 years ago, married a wonderful woman, Wanda-a family relation I've admired my entire life. Before that he lived a life-style where hope was lost. Uncle Ken's life has taught me that even when I've lost hope in the people in my life, there's is always hope in God's love for us. Uncle Ken stepped out in faith and gave his life to Christ, serving Him and being a witness of the miracles that God can do in someone's life. Yes, there are many ways to symbolize his life-God's mercy, grace, forgiveness.

But it is the hope that I will hold on to. Putting my faith in God's plan gives me hope, not in people, but in what God will do in those peoples' lives. I have my hope in God while my sister continues her battle with breast cancer. I have my hope in God as my grandma (my dad's mother) struggles through the effects of a stroke. I have my hope in God as other family members and friends deal with illness, loss, health, life. As I continue my journey in college, I have faith in God and the hope that He will hold me and give me the strength to keep going. To keep studying.

Overwhelming isn't it? And you're wondering how I can continue to have faith? How can I put my hope in God? I just do. You know that scene in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?" Indiana Jones has to go through that temple-thing to get the cup. You know, his dad got shot and he needs to save him. Anyway, he comes upon a cavern that is impossible to get across. In the clues he reads, he realizes that he has to step out in faith to get across. He has to put his faith in something else. Something, or someone, he can't see, and hope that something, or someone, will get him to the other side of the cavern. He steps out in faith, not knowing that there's a camouflaged bridge in front of him. But the point is, he had to step out. He had to just keep going.

I've lost hope before. Many years ago. But because of Uncle Ken, I know I must have faith in God and keep my hope in Christ's love for me, my family, friends, and everyone. For as long as he could, Uncle Ken kept going. I spoke to him right after he received his terminal diagnosis. Sure, he was afraid, who wouldn't be? But he kept saying to me: "Our God reigns, He is sovereign, He is the healer, He is in control." Uncle Ken knew the gift of this life that God had given him, but he knew what was ahead of him-an eternal life that surpassed everything else. Either way, if God healed him, or took him home, Uncle Ken shared with me that he still kept his faith and hope in Christ. I am in awe at how God worked in this man's life. I have hope in how God will work in my life, and in other people's lives.

Step out. Have hope.

1 comment:

  1. So grateful with you for God's faithfulness to your family. Grateful for His love for me too; love that gives me the faith to be able to believe in Him, love that keeps at me 'til I return when I'm being selfish and disobedient, love that I can put my trust in which translates into Hope. Love you Paula and continue to pray for your family.
