Thursday, January 2, 2014


This last week, I've been reflecting on what 2013 has meant for me. It was a pretty fantastic year, if I say so myself. It's still hard for me to see and accept what I have accomplished these past few years. What I realized, though, is that there was 1 constant through this year that supported my success.


There were quite a few precious moments this year, and all those precious moments had to do with my family. I'd like to share those moments with you.

Most of you know that I graduated from CSU Fullerton this year. I walked in my ceremony last May, with my friend, Alyse, by my side, and my family in the audience, cheering me on. My mom and brother Joel were there, along with my kids: Nathaniel, Ethan, Ethan's girlfriend, Jasmin and Jennifer with her husband, Henry and my grandson, Brandon. They took pictures, I got flowers, I danced a little jig onstage as I accepted my degree…it was an indescribable experience. After the ceremony, I proudly took more pictures with my kids, but there was 1 person who made the experience complete: my mom. She had tears in her eyes and beamed a smile from ear to ear with a look on her face that seemed to say "that's my daughter!" After the graduation we had a party at home and my family stepped in to help me put it on. Mom bought the stuff, Joel made ribs, my sister Jen held my hand and prayed over our feast. My kids all helped fix food and clean up. So many of my friends (of whom I am eternally grateful for!) came to help celebrate. What a glorious day.

Fast forward a few months to November. Brandon's 5th birthday and I get to take my family to Disneyland for the day. Brandon is a great bundle of energy and I get a kick out of watching Jennifer chase him around because it reminds me of when she was little and I chased her around. Yep, I was entertained. I also enjoyed the day because along with Nathaniel and Ethan, Jasmin brought her little girl with her. Such fun to have a toddler girl in tow! The night came to an end with watching the fireworks show from Main St. I stood back and watched my family, all grown up and with little ones, as they ooooh'd and aaaah'd at the fireworks and then they smiled and squealed as it snowed on Main st. I had tears in my eyes and pride in my heart as I watched them.

This. This. This is my family. 

I can't begin to describe the joy I felt as I watched them. And thanked God for them, who they are and how they turned out.

My family. 

Ok, I'll share 1 more memory, but it's not a pretty one. It happened just last week, when I got sick and decided to go the the emergency room after work. I came home to change and told Nathaniel what was going on and he asked me if I wanted him to go with me. I told him no, but he insisted and went with me at 1am to the ER. Good thing he did because 5 minutes after we arrived, I became very ill and nauseous. Nathaniel immediately jumped in, found a trash can and held it under my chin as I vomited. He just stood there and put his hand on my back and waited. He didn't buckle, move or anything! I was very shaken up (considering I haven't barfed since I gave birth to him) and he steadied me and tried to calm me. Afterwards, he stayed with me in the examining room until I was released at 6am. (I'm fine, by the way. Just dealing with gallstones, but I'm eating healthier and losing weight along the way!)

Now, you may think that this should be as expected-he should be good at taking care of his mom-he's 25 and this is no big deal. This is a big deal to me because I realized that he is grown up! In fact, all my kids are grown up! No matter  where I go, or what I do, they will be okay. I also realized that I can depend on my kids if I need them-such a wild concept! Ok, it's not that wild, but you know what? I must have done something right in raising these kids!

This. This. This is my family. 

Thank God for 2013 and for every year.

1 comment:

  1. I adored this post! I'm grateful for how God's blessed you this past year. I've always thought your family to be rather terrific. I'm thinking that writing like this is a modern day monument. You remember in the Old Testament when God would have His people build a monument of stones in specific places so they'd remember what He'd done for them? I think writing like this accomplishes some of that same thing.
