Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Ant

Well, the last few weeks of summer have been hot! Fortunately, we have big trees that shade our home,
and large windows on all sides that allow the beautiful breezes waft through the house and help with keeping the inside least a little bit.

Unfortunately, there is a constant visitor to our home that, no matter how unwelcome they are, continue to just invite themselves in.


I'm sure most of you can relate to the problem of ants invading your home.

Just recently I came across two ants as I was waiting for my toast. I just smashed them with my finger and immediately thought of Loki and Nick Fury from the movie The Avengers. The whole "The ant has no quarrel with a boot" conflict. Watch it, it's awesome. So, as I thought of this scene, I imagined my finger as the "boot." This observation made me feel so...


In the whole universe, I am an ant. I can be squashed just as easily as an ant.

As much as we, humans, think we are all powerful and can squash whatever we want, and want to believe that we are not vulnerable...we are. And why would I, someone so small and vulnerable be worthy of love, success and accomplishment?

Wow-I've got way too much thinking time on my hands...

I'll tell you why I (we) are worthy. Because God created us and He is a loving, caring God.

The bible is full of proof of our worth, which is probably why we get full of ourselves so easily, and have an easy time believing we can squash everything, but there was one verse that just stuck out for me:

Luke 12:7  "Why, even the hairs on your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows."

Does this verse mean what I think it means? Let's ask J. Vernon McGee (or read his "Thru the Bible" commentary):

"The Lord Jesus gives them (his disciples) these words of comfort and assurance of God's care for them."

There's a little bit more to this commentary-so much that it would seem like I'm preaching a sermon if I go on, so I won't, but the point is: God Cares!

He's numbered every hair on my head! On my puny, insignificant, ant-like head! And guess what-some of you have more hair than I do and God knows every hair on your head too!

Does that make me worthy? Yeah, I think it does. I am a little speck of dust in this universe and God cares about me!

And for this I am humbly grateful to my God, who is infinitely, omnipresently larger than me!

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