Thursday, December 24, 2009

Life Change

Enjoying my first winter/Christmas break in over 20 years. It is a little strange not working during the crazy holidays. I was in retail management for over 15 years and half-dreaded and half-enjoyed the hustle and bustle of working in a department store, or mall store, or book store during the holidays. As someone who was on the other side of the register dealing with customers, it can be a daunting task to keep a smile on my face and help those who are so stressed out they can't help but lash out on those around them. At the end of a day I could be pretty exhausted, but feel good if my smile and wish of "Merry Christmas" made someone's day brighter. I think I've decided I don't miss it.

My first semester of college was a completely different experience. First off, not only are my classmates so much younger than me that I graduated from that same school before they were born, but most of my former employees were that age group-and I don't have to tell them what to do! When I first began classes this fall, I pretty much kept to myself, staying quiet, doing my work. In both of my on-campus classes (History of China and College English) I was maybe 1 of 2 "mature" (does that sound better than "older"?) students, and I discovered after about 3 weeks that if any of the students had any questions, they would ask me! I thought it was pretty funny! I finally realized that I was more intimdated about being older than them than they were of me.

1 comment:

  1. You know I bet you're right, our culture just puts so much emphasis on being young. Plus, whenever you're the different one for any reason, it can be disconcerting. But you did what you set out to do anyway and I think that's awesome!
