Monday, December 21, 2009

Welcome! I go...blogging away. I had thought about starting a blog when I began the fall semester, but put it off. Now I've finished my first semester of college-in 22 years-and beginning my first winter/Christmas break-in 22 years-and decided to give it a try. If you're reading this, you'll be keeping tabs on how this mid-40's single mom of 3 grown children endures through pursuing a dream of going back to school to get a Bachelor's degree in English to become an English teacher for high school and esl/illiterate adults.

"Why," you ask, "does Paula want to be an English teacher?"

Well, I'm not exactly sure of the exact story, but I know it began with two people: my best friend and my son's Honors English Teacher. I've narrowed it down to two scenarios:

Scenario 1: More than 5 years ago Tracy and I used to walk the neighborhood at least 5 nights a week. The neighborhood was ours when we walked. We had our favorite streets, houses, noises...and the fountains in the hospital parking lot. We would talk about everything: raising sons, dating-again, and our love for reading. My end of the conversation was usually 1) her teasing me because I wouldn't date someone who couldn't spell and reminding me that my dad (who can spell, but...well..isn't the greatest speller) is a wonderful man/husband/father (he really is) and 2)how much I LOVED the current book I was reading and why. I LOVE to read. and 3) how I wanted to find a career that made a difference, that gave back, that had a purpose. One night a light went on and Tracy said, "Hey, you would make a great English teacher!" The seed was planted.

Scenario 2: During a conference with my oldest son's honors English teacher, he expressed surprise (and relief) in learning that I read along with my son the books he was required to read for school. Reading with and to my children has always been an important and fun activity for me. The teacher said that plays a big part in giving children tools to learn how to read and write. I think I said something about admiring his job and how I'd love to be in his shoes. Unfortunately, it is disheartening to see the percentage of students that don't know proper grammar, or have grade level reading skills and how much remedial education is necessary. So I said something about what a wonderful job it would be to give these students those skills. Yeah, it would be hard, because not only does it entail starting from the beginning, but students at this age need a reason why this should be important to them. Then he says, "You should become an English Teacher!" with my son agreeing...The seed was planted.

Both scenarios did happen, just don't remember which one happened first.

Fast forward 4-5 years. Still talking about it...still praying about it...then I lose my job. I call my dear friends who have been listening to me go on and on for 5 years about going back to school and the first thing they all say, "It's time to go back to school." So, I did. I went back last fall. I received an A.A. degree in Speech Communication in 1987, but I need transferable units before going to a university as a junior. The good news is, as of now I only need 5 more classes. The bad news is 3 of those classes are math. Hopefully, with hard work and committment, I'll transfer to a university in Spring 2011.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for going back to school and completing your first semester with such good grades! It's exciting to watch what God's doing in your life.
