Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm driving my car this afternoon and ahead of me was a beautiful convertible Sebring-one of my favorite cars. I drove up next to it and notice the driver-an attractive man. Ok, he was an extremely good-looking man and I took a second look...and a third look. Opportunity knocks: we're both pulling up to the stoplight, he's in the next lane over, a little bit behind me and I decide I'm going to smile at him as soon as he gets close enough. I look in my rear view mirror and glimpse my hair-my unkempt, clipped up mess-and chicken out. The light turns green, I speed up, he drives away.

If you're one of my closest friends, you'll be in shocked disbelief. What, me? Not smile? Impossible! Me chicken out? Yeah, I couldn't believe it either-but you should have seen my hair!

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