Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Face...

I've probably mentioned this before, but I think I'm changing my attitude a little bit about this subject. The subject of "The Face."

If you know me well, you've heard me complain about having "the face." The face that says, "ask me, I know the answer." You know what I mean: I go into the grocery store in my sweats and a yucky pony tail and someone comes up to me and asks if I know where the chips are. It happens all the time. I previously blogged about a man who sat next to me at the beach and just started a conversation. It happens all the time. I'll be standing in line at the atm and the person in front of me tells me her life story. It happens all the time. And me, in my selfishness, gets annoyed with this. I've included a link to a song by Brandon Heath, a very talented Christian pop artist. I've heard this song before, but something hit me this time: maybe I have "The face" for a reason. Maybe I'm supposed to be that person who has the eyes to see when someone is in need, or be that person who is there when no one else is. After all, is it really taking something away from me by simply showing someone where the chips are?

ps. special thanks to Nicole

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