Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I am a decision maker. I usually don't have a hard time making decisions. I look at the facts, weigh the pros and cons, or think about what I want, or need, or what's best (usually) and decide. Which is what I'm currently in the middle of right now. Deciding on what university to attend this Spring. Last August I applied to three CSUs and received rejection letters from 2 of them. The letters didn't surprise me because I'm finishing a transferrable math class right now and all CSUs had notices that they would only take transcripts up to last Summer, which meant I would have to wait until Fall. No problem, I just planned another semester at city college and I'll be ready. Then I received an email from CSU #1 that they are reconsidering my application and would take my fall transcripts. A letter from the other CSU #2 said the same thing, and a phone call to CSU #3-the same thing.

You'd think this decision would be easy. It's not. You see, this is my first time attending university and, well...it's a little ovewhelming.  I've been losing sleep over this! The last couple of days have been a little easier. I decided no to CSU #2-way to crowded and my major-English Education/secondary teaching credential-is impacted.

So...there's #1 and #3. Both have equally quality programs. I visited #3 last week and I really like the campus, met the department heads and was impressed. I visit #1 next week. Hopefully putting off this decision until then won't make me nuts.

By the way, CSU #1 has officially accepted my application for admission. I just have to officially accept the offer.

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