Friday, January 21, 2011


I know this is so ridiculously silly, but I feel like I'm starting kindergarten all over again! I am very excited about jumping into finishing my English degree, but I'm also feeling more nervous about my first day at a a new school. A bigger (HUGE!) school, all new people, new professors, new...everything! Yes-it feels like I'm starting Kindergarten all over again! Wait, didn't I just say that?

Ok, ok, I know what you're going to say, so let me thank you before you say it. I know I'll be fine, I know that once I get there I'll do well, and I'll meet new people, and it will be great!

Isn't that what our parents said to us before our first day of Kindergarten?  On the plus side: At least I'm not 5 years old again.

Do you remember your first day of Kindergarten? I remember when all 3 of my children started Kindergarten. None of them cried, and I didn't have to reassure them either. My daughter had been in preschool before and she's the kind of person that just looks at someone and is instant friends. I gave her a hug and a kiss and she ran off. My oldest son couldn't wait to go to school just like his big sister. He wriggled out of my arms and wouldn't even kiss me good-bye. My youngest son-the same thing: wanted to be like his big brother, but at least I got a hug and a kiss before he ran off.

Ok, now I'm really getting nervous. Maybe I can get one of my kids, or my mommy, to take me to my first class and drop me off with a kiss and hug.

1 comment:

  1. New things ARE scary! I'm excited for you about all God's gonna be doing in your life at Cal State.
