Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Well, I'm half way through my first semester.

I love it.

So silly, being nervous about university. It's really not much different than city college. For one thing, I'm still older than most of them. Just a few weeks ago I noticed there's actually an old guy in my grammar class. I have noticed that because of my age, I stand out to my professors and, considering I strive to be a good student, so far this is a good thing. They remember my name and listen when I have a comment or question. I don't know why I didn't notice this, or realize it while I was at city, I guess it just seems different now.

Midterms: tons of writing. I'm an English major so what do you expect? Scan-trons? Nope. I guess my professors like to read as much as I do. Anyway, I got B's on all my midterms. Good start. I'll take it.

Here's to the next half.

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