Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Wouldn't it be great if Cancer's only definition was an astrological sign? (Ironically, it's my sign) Unfortunately, it's not.
Two weeks ago, my father had what I think is called the "Whipple" surgery for pancreatic cancer. 1/3 of his pancreas was removed. The 2/3 pancreas that is left is cancer free, but he will undergo chemotherapy in a few months to combat cancer found in two lymph nodes.

On the morning of my father's surgery, my younger sister had a doctor appointment. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is still waiting for a couple of tests. It may be genetic. If that test is positive, my father will be tested, then the rest of his children and so on. She will begin chemo soon and prepare for a mastectomy in a few months. At this point the prognosis is good. The hope is she will recover, but she has a long road ahead of her. I thank God for her husband. He is a wonderful man.

Thus begins this family's battle with cancer. The un-astrological kind.

Now what? What do I do now? I pray. I be the tough, big sister. I pray. I be the attentive, supporting daughter. I pray. I didn't allow myself to cry for a long time. This last Sunday, while I held my sister's hand, she informed my parents. She cried, mom cried. We all sat in dismay, shell-shocked. My dad, weakened by his surgery, and humbly dependent on his family to take care of him (his recovery is going well, by the way) finally had a small opportunity to take care of his family as he ordered us to come around him, hold hands and he prayed for my sister, for himself, for our family and for God's will to be done. I still did not cry.

The next day I'm driving in my car and the first song I hear is "Our God" by Chris Tomlin (click you-tube below) and I couldn't stop myself from crying. I was in agony. I begged God to take away the agony, take away the fear. I thanked Him for His strength in my life and for being greater, higher and more powerful than cancer. A friend heard the same song while reading the email I sent with the news of my sister. God did that for some reason.

Have I ever shared with you my favorite bible verse? Psalm 147:3-"He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds." An email from a pastor at church reminded me of this verse. God heals. Many of my friends reminded me that He is the Great Physician. Whatever the outcome, we will be ok. We will be healed, heart, body and soul.

I don't know how, but I think this will be some kind of testament from our family to...whoever. For now, we wait and see. Take one day at a time. We love each other, comfort each other, care for each other. We pray.

1 comment:

  1. I'm lovin' the blog idea, friend. Hopefully it'll be therapeutic for you to vent this way. It will also be good for those of us who love you and need to know specifically how to pray for you all.

    Love you and praying for you,

