Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I hate running. Always have. When I was a kid and dad thought I needed to get more exercise, he'd make me run around the block with him. And I hated it.  In high school P.E. class, we were required to run the track for physical education testing. I failed the test cuz I walked. CUZ I HATE RUNNING!!!!!

(By the way, I know 'cuz' isn't proper English, but it's my thing. I write it all the time, except when I'm writing papers for school.)

If you don't already know, I started running about 2 months ago. Why?

Cuz I hate it, that's why!

It's true! That's the reason!

It's just that I feel like running is something I need to conquer. And I've been making life changes--living healthier, eating healthier, exercising, losing weight--and I needed an exercise regimen that would keep the weight loss going-30 more pounds and I will officially be a healthy weight! So, I met with an athletic trainer and am learning how to run. I've only lost 1/2 pound in the last 2 months, but my clothes are fitting better, my joints don't hurt as much and my body feels better! Hey-I can squat and pick something up off the floor, and it doesn't hurt to get back up! I think this is awesome!

The run is always tough for me, though. Walk a bit...then run...then legs are killing me...I can't Then I finish and...Wow! I feel so good! Like I'm conquering the cement, or treadmill. Heck, I feel like I can conquer the world! I went on a run today and actually looked forward to it. I know-so weird, huh?

This is what I've learned about running: It's not for everyone. It's painful. It feels wonderful. The last few weeks, I have found myself thinking "I need to go on a run." But it's not easy. There are times when I don't think I'll make it, or my legs hurt so much a few hours later, I swear I'll never do it again. But I must.

What a metaphor for life, huh? Running is a pain, and I know I will struggle to increase my time, work through losing weight, and regulate my breathing (that's the toughest part for me), but in the end, this running is good for me and I feel fantastic about making it through! Running is changing me and that change is hard, but it's good for me.

Life is hard. Life is painful. But life is also good. Thank God that He is there to help me through the pain, so I can experience the good.

So, what's the end goal of all this running? Well, I'm running my first 5k in October, and I'll run a 10k in January. Will I keep up the running after that? Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. I believe every action has an effect. Although those effects can not only be minimized, but be eased through some wise and necessary medical intervention as well. It would be best if you get yourself checked up regularly, so that you'll know the state of your body and overall health. And as a result, you'll know what kinds of intervention you'll do more of and do less of.

    Bryan Kelly @ CK Physiotherapy
