Monday, June 13, 2016

A week of writing

I celebrated a fantastic accomplishment last week. I finished my Master's of Arts in Education, specializing in eTeaching and Learning. Quite a mouthful, isn't it? I was quite overwhelmed and dumbfounded for a few days as I soaked in the reality that, after 6 years of college life, I am finished. I'm done.

Now what?

Well, I'm still dealing with this overwhelming feeling, like this last weekend I still had that feeling that I needed to find time to write a thesis, or paper, or do research on the quality of remedial English education in our community college sector...

OH WAIT! No, I don't! I'm done!

So, I'm going to enjoy life for awhile, go on vacation, pursue a few opportunities at work, pursue other part-time teaching opportunities.

And write. That's how I came up with the idea of writing in my blog every day for a week. Just 1 week for now. After all, I'm good at it (so everyone says) and I don't write enough, and I should. So this is day one. And what is my mind on for day one? My dad, of course.

I miss him. This last weekend, I got to hug my mom as she expressed her love and pride in me and my accomplishment and that meant so much to me. But then I imagined my dad, and how much I wished I could share this with him. How he would beam and brag-and the way he brags about his kids-I'm just like him in that, how we brag.

But my mom-she expresses pride in her kids that just lights up a room. It's in her looks--her smile, the way she throws her hands up in the air and cheers-(I do that too-throw my hands up in the air and cheer loudly)You know she loves her children. And it was in that moment when she hugged me and said how proud she was of me that my heart was comforted.

I tell you, it doesn't matter how old you are-knowing your parents are proud of you-that's everything.

And thus begins my week of writing. Until tomorrow...

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