Friday, June 17, 2016

Room for improvement

Day 5 of a week of writing.

I thought this writing everyday would be easy. It really isn't. I look back at what I've written so far this week and I'm forcing myself to not go back and edit what I've written. I could expand on one idea, or delete a sentence and re-write another thought...

After all, there's always room for improvement.

Isn't there?

You may have heard me mention this before--that for the last 15+ years, since I've been single mom, I want to make my life about moving forward, growth, and new challenges. When the boys were younger, part of my focus was on my career and earning more money to support us as well as I could.

Later, it was my education. I love learning new things. I fell in love with Shakespeare's works and wanted to expand my knowledge on British literature. I then challenged myself to work at take classes at the same time.

In the last few years, I've tried to live a healthier life. Eat healthier, exercise more and conquer my fear of running and go on adventures, whether it's a road trip, or having a social life.

Sometimes, though, this moving forward and challenging myself--it can be exhausting! Can't I just curl up in bed with a good book, or my Downton Abbey DVDs and do nothing for a few weeks? Please?

Uh, no. Well, okay, maybe for a few hours, but not for a few weeks.

After all, what happens if i stop, stay in bed, and do nothing? I stop moving forward. I get stagnate, I get unhealthy, and gross (come on-stay in bed for a few weeks- no showers, nothing...gross!) Definitely not improving anything!

Sometimes the struggle seems futile and I just want to give up. And then what? Stop living? I don't even want to go there. So, I pick myself up, take a shower (thank God!) and keep going.

What's my next adventure? At this point, I'm not sure, but I know I need to just keep moving forward. Just keep swimming (oh you know I had to put this in here somewhere!) and see where life takes me. And keep improving.

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